Glastonbury Moment Warning

G1999 was one of the most powerful experiences of my life.

G2000 was one of the weirdest.

G2002 was one of the best.

Each one is probably in the top 10 or 20 of my life experiences, up there with my honeymoon, US holiday in 1988, Italy 1985 etc only eclipsed by my marriage, birth of my two children, joining Subud. It is very hard to describe anything that happens at Glasto without using over the top superlatives and hyperbolae.

So if you see [GMW] its a Glastonbury Moment Warning, and the squeamish may skip to the end of the paragraph, knowing that I am trying to express what really happened in mere words. You just had to be there to understand!

If you don't believe me, [GMW] come along to the next Glasto and dive in. God willing it will be good!