Software Algorithms and Programs - ANS Forth for 32 bit PC Forths


I hope you find them useful – Howerd 2016 Dec 21


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Windows Sockets SwiftForth code : wsa.f updated with HTTP POST test code and FTP, 2016 Dec 21


Copy the text of wsa.f and paste it into the SwiftForth console Window, then type ttall <cr>



\ wsa.f  Howerd Oakford 2016 Dec 21

\ WinSock - Windows Sockets API ( Berkeley-like interface ) for SwiftForth ANS Forth.

\ A simple TCP/IP server and client, an HTTP client and FTP client interfaces.

\ The Server simply echoes back what you send it, seen in blue on the Client.

\ Add your own code to process commands for HTTP or another service at this point...


\ New : added HTTP POST tests in (HTTP), FTP partially working - FTPclient



\ Average.f  2014 Nov 07  Running averaging of n data readings.   Howerd Oakford

\ Uses a buffer size that is a power of 2 for efficiency

\ Calculates a running total by adding the current reading and subtracting the

\ n'th reading, so looping over many values is not required - see UpdatePulses

\ You can extract averages over a different period of time from the same average buffer.

\ For SwiftForth - - a 32 bit ANS Forth for the PC

\ include Average.f  ttAv    \ will show a demo using the MiniScope ASCII display



\ aes.f  by Jabari Zakiya - thanks! With new API added by Howerd Oakford

\ Use of this code is free subject to acknowledgment of copyright.

\ Copyright (c) 2001 Jabari Zakiya, -- jzakiya at gmail dot com, 2001/5/26

\ Revised: 2014/10/13

\ ANS FORTH code to implement the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).



\ SHA-256.f Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-256 Howerd Oakford 2012 Nov 21

\ For SwiftForth 32 bit Little Endian ANS Forth, with Round functions coded in SwiftForth x86 assembler



\ wsa.f  Howerd Oakford  2016 Dec 21

\ WinSock - Windows Sockets API ( Berkeley-like interface ) for SwiftForth ANS Forth.

\ A simple TCP/IP server and client and an HTTP client interface.

\ The Server simply echoes back what you send it, seen in blue on the Client.

\ Add your own code to process commands for HTTP or another service at this point...



\ isqrt.f  Howerd Oakford  2008 Jun 04
\ Square Root of unsigned 32 bit integer 
\ from James Ulery's Computing Integer Square Roots



\ So far this just displays the TIFF and BigTIFF headers – there is no display of the image yet.
\ I include it here in case anyone else has time to work on it.
\ tiff.f 2008 Apr 29 TIFF and BigTIFF file reader
\ Howerd Oakford
\ Tag Image File Format (TIFF) Rev 6.0
\ TIFF is an extensible image file format
\ BigTIFF is TIFF expanded to 64 bits
\ To do : find out where the image data is, add decompression and display code... 
\ To do : find out why BigTIFF requires Big Endian changes compared to TIFF, and why 
\ the STRIPOFFSETS and STRIPBYTECOUNTS in the btf file are longs, but look like they are shorts...



\ md5.f V1.0  Howerd Oakford 2006 Jul 01

\ The MD5 secure hash algorithm

\ 32 bit little endian ANS Forth version for the PC

\ Tested on SwiftForth, Win32Forth and VFXForth

\ *************************************************************

\ Bug notice 2006 Jul 01 :

\ All my previous versions of md5.f and md5.fth have a bug :

\ The "55 >" was incorrectly " 1+ $38 < 0=" and gave an

\ incorrect hash for strings of length 55 ( modulo 64 ).

\ *************************************************************



\ *****************************************************************************

\ CRC16HDLC.f  2012 Apr 11

\ CRC-16 for HDLC calculation using a table

\ 16 bit FCS lookup table per RFC1331

\ Thanks to :


\ Note that this code defines "#define FCSGOOD 0xF0B8"

\ whereas I define "$0F47 constant CRC_VALID"  which is bitwise inverted.

\ This is because CRC16 returns the actual value to be sent in an HDLC packet

\ Also note that at least one online CRC calculator does not include this CRC.

\ *****************************************************************************


crc16modbus.f   as above for ModBus

crc16-a.f   as above for ISO10373 and ISO14443 type A (and B )




\ crc32.f 2006 Jan 04 Howerd Oakford,

\ based on code by Petrus Prawirodidjojo and Wil Baden - thanks!


\ The International Standard 32-bit cyclical redundancy check defined by :

\ [ITU-T-V42] International Telecommunications Union, "Error-correcting

\ Procedures for DCEs Using Asynchronous-to-Synchronous Conversion",

\ ITU-T Recommendation V.42, 1994, Rev. 1.

\ and

\ [ISO-3309]

\ International Organization for Standardization,

\ "Information Processing Systems--Data Communication High-Level Data Link

\ Control Procedure--Frame Structure", IS 3309, October 1984, 3rd Edition.


\ This is a 32 bit Little Endian ANS Forth version ( PC ).



\ tean.f 2006 Jan 04

\ TEA is the Tiny Encryption Algorithm - a shared private key system

\ based on many iterations of a simple hashing function.

\ Created by David J. Wheeler and Roger M. Needham.

\ TEAN ( TEA New ) is an improved version of TEA which includes modifications

\ to TEA made after David Wagner discovered weaknesses in the key scheduling.

\ Based on C code from

\ See also

\ TEA and TEAN are 64-bit block Feistel cyphers using a 128-bit key.



\ tea26.f  Tiny Encryption Algorithm limited to 26 bits. 2006 Jan 04

\ The 26 bit value is split into two 13 bit numbers.

\ Each calculation is performed modulo 2**13 , then the two 13 bit results

\ are converted back to 26 bits.

\ An 8 digit decimal number can be used to describe the 26 bit value.

\ Some of the 26 bits ( say 10 ) should be used to make random guesses

\ unlikely. This could be used to encrypt a 16 bit number with a 0.1%

\ chance that a random number appears as valid - equivalent to a

\ three digit PIN code.