It need not be. I can't change the industry, but I can provide a few clients with elegant software. Trained as a physicist, I've written software for 40 years. See resume or biography. I'm not a manager. I don't have an organization. But I'm expert at analysing and solving problems.
I work in colorForth. It's the most delightful language I've ever seen. I expect its applications to need only 1% the code of C programs.
While it's incompatible with other software and file formats, it's compatible with anything across a bus, network or removable medium. That is where standards apply: to communication, not implementation. Actually, incompatibility enhances security.
I expect clients to want to make changes to their code. Applications are provided in source with documentation and training. They're recompiled (instantly) every time they're used. Editing the source is easy, testing is interactive and changes are temporary until saved. This provides the opportunity to tune an application until it's exactly right.
colorForth currently runs on PC platforms. That world has changed in the last ten years. Software has not. A PC with keyboard, display, megabytes of RAM and gigabytes of disk costs less than $1,000. There is no need to manage multiple threads or page virtual memory. Classic operating-system functions are obsolete. They've become the problem, not the solution.
colorForth boots from floppy, copies 1.4 Megabytes into RAM, turns off the drive, recompiles itself and runs indefinitely. Or boots from hard disk, if Windows hasn't prempted the boot sector. With megabytes of RAM there is no longer a need to continually access disk.
Most of my career has been interfacing computers to unfamiliar hardware, from displays and disks to satellites and robots. Forth is
Some examples:
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Remember, while software is expensive, chips are really expensive. The cost of a dedicated computer is nothing. The value of an optimized application is immense.