Updated 2001 July 26
A dialect of Forth that uses color to replace punctuation. Includes its
own operating system. Produces extremely compact programs. Instant
compile from pre-parsed source.
suite of tools for layout and simulation. Compact description of gates,
cells and chip. Resulting GDS II file ready for fabrication.
chip! 25 microcomputers, each with 512 words of 18-bit memory. Each
capable of 2400 Mips, sustained. Awaiting funding.
colorForth applications, chips.
Lives in the redwoods west of Silicon Valley. Loves to hike the Pacific Crest Trail.
Wife Min is a spinner. Son Eric is a military historian.
Sometimes the pros say it best. To be perfectly clear, I've emphasized some lines.
Coloring, Sarah Hall Maney
Road Not Taken, Robert Frost
Mending Wall, Robert Frost
Ulysses, Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Explorer, Rudyard Kipling